News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Fears grow that Russia’s aggression could lead to World War III
Are we on the brink of a Third World War? Many fear that the current Russian attacks on Ukraine might be headed for a major escalation that could plunge the entire world into a war that could threaten the future of humanity. In some ways, the war in Ukraine has turned into a proxy battlefield […]
By Cassie B.
UN experts review Fukushima water release plans as farmers’ concerns grows over radioactive crops
A team of six experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency is meeting with Japanese officials to discuss the technical details of the planned release of radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Many farmers in the area have been expressing concerns that the release will have a negative impact on prices just as […]
By Cassie B.
Global warming and capitalism: Is CO2 more dangerous than impending nuclear war?
If you listen to the climate alarmists, you might be forgiven for believing that carbon dioxide is the biggest issue of our time – more dangerous, somehow, than even nuclear war. In fact, some of them are even going so far as to pin the environment’s problems on capitalism, insisting that global capitalism is at […]
By Cassie B.
Radioactive water could be pouring out of Fukushima just two years from now, warn experts
The Japanese utility company in charge of the nuclear power plant devastated by the tsunami in Fukushima has warned that it will run out of storage space for significant amounts of contaminated water within the next two years, pressuring the government and the public to decide how to proceed. At the Dai-ichi plant, three reactors […]
By Cassie B.
Shocking new study finds that Fukushima disaster exposed EVERY living human to the radiation dose of a full chest x-ray
If you think that the nuclear disaster at Fukushima hasn’t really affected you too much because you live so far away from it, think again. Researchers looking into the Fukushima nuclear disaster have made a startling discovery: The devastating incident gave every single human being on the planet an amount of radiation exposure that is […]
By Cassie B.
Secrets of the worst industrial disaster in history: The public may never know the full extent of the damage from Fukushima
Remember Fukushima? Most of us who live on the other side of the world can tell you it was the site of a triple nuclear meltdown six years ago, but that’s all in the past now, right? The truth is that the effects of the incident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant will be […]
By Cassie B.
Good defense, bad offense: A look at why America loses wars it starts
America has shown its military might time and time again throughout its history, with varying degrees of success. While the American military is one of the best in the world in many ways, it also has a poor record when it comes to winning the wars it starts. This is the topic of a new […]
By Cassie B.
Hair conditioner found to bind radioactive elements to your hair, functioning as a MAGNET for nuclear fallout
In the aftermath of a nuclear attack, there are a lot of things you’ll want to do, not the least of which is taking shelter immediately. When it’s safe to do so, however, you’ll probably want to take a good, long shower and scrub away all that nuclear dust if you were outside during the […]
By Cassie B.
Radioactive iodine has been “legally” released by European nuclear power plants for over fifty years… used for “tracking ocean currents”
Bermuda is a popular getaway destination, attracting people who are looking to get away from urban life and recharge a bit surrounded by crystal clear waters and nature. The beaches of Bermuda might not have that stifling big-city air, but something quite unexpected is lurking far beneath its waters. A study that was recently presented […]
By Cassie B.
CONFIRMED: Three Mile Island nuclear accident found to have significantly increased thyroid cancer in surrounding counties due to radioactive Iodine-131
When a partial meltdown struck the Three Mile Island nuclear generating station near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in March 1979, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission tried to downplay the incident. Much like the officials involved in the Fukushima meltdown, they said at the time that the radiation released into the environment was only in small amounts […]
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