Monday, April 17, 2017 by News Editors
North Korea has the ability to bring down holy hell on our country. There is no question that NK can be destroyed by the might of the US military, however, their ability to carry out assymetrical warfare is beyond compare to other rogue, terrorist leaning states.
( Article by Dave Hodges from thecommonsenseshow.com )
Sophisticated computer hackers, like the ones from North Korea, now have the ability to generate such an effect on our power grid by simultaneously hacking into our power grid and, in effect, generating a localized EMP attack. The effect would be almost as devastating in terms of the effects of such an attack on local utilities, especially for the providers of our power and water entities.
Some insider sources have concluded that there is a significant danger to America from North Korean hackers far beyond the disruption of our movies and corporate accounts that they have hacked.
I have learned that sophisticated computer hackers, like the ones from North Korea, have the ability to generate an EMP effect on our power grid by simultaneously hacking into our power grid and, in effect, generating a localized EMP attack. The effect would be almost as devastating in terms of the effects of such an attack on local utilities, especially for the providers of our power and water entities.
Let’s not forget about the well documented two NK satellites that orbit above the United States and an EMP burst would devastate the power grid.
At one time I would have stated that one has to remember that North Korea is a proxy state of China. And China is preparing for war against the US in the South China Sea.However, that does not appear to be the case. China, too, is putting the squeeze on North Korea. I believe that this makes them even more desperate and they may be firing the first shots of WW III. Or, they could be the last shot of WW III.
I have learned from one of my sources that NK has deployed these weapons with a dual strategy. In the event that NK is taken out, a dead man switch goes into play and all hell will break loose.
Read more at: thecommonsenseshow.com
Tagged Under: Tags: Dead Man Switch, North Korea, WWIII